Piccoli acquari con piante per gamberetti

Traduzione di Small Planted Tanks for Pet Shrimp di Diana Walstad (versione ottobre 2017).


Fonti e riferimenti

1. Kasselmann, Christel. 2003. Aquarium Plants. (Krieger Publishing; Malabar, FL), p. 51.
2. Barr, Tom. 2009. Dry-Start Method. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (Dec issue), pp. 54-61.
3. Barko JW and Smart RM. 1983. Effects of organic matter additions to sediment on the growth of aquatic plants. Journal of Ecology 71: 161-175.
4. Walstad, Diana. 2013. Ecology of the Planted Aquarium (3rd Edition). Echinodorus Publishing (Chapel Hill, NC), pp. 138-39.
5. Walstad (2013), p. 146.
6. Walstad (2013), p. 165.
7. Sand-Jensen K and Borum J. 1991. Interactions among phytoplankton, epiphyton, and macrophytes in temperate freshwaters and estuaries. Aquatic Botany 41: 137-175.
8. Simpson PS and Eaton JW. 1986. Comparative studies of the photosynthesis of the submerged macrophyte Elodea canadensis and filamentous algae Cladophora glomerata and Spirogyra sp. Aquatic Botany 24: 1-12.
9. Walstad (2013), p. 144.

Il libro di Diana Walstad Ecology of the Planted Aquarium contiene più informazioni sulla gestione di acquari naturali piantumati.